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Take a Closer Look at Laurens, SC

After having the opportunity to take a stroll through downtown Laurens, it is no secret why this community is one of South Carolina’s most intimate and “Square” downtowns. What do we mean by “square” you may ask? This downtown is unique because it is laid out in a perfect square, connecting all four corners of Main Street Laurens together. This layout has provided a place for the community to come together, gather for events and concerts, and connect all of the downtown businesses. The history of Laurens dates all the way back to the mid-1700’s. Laurens is included in the National Register of Historic Places for the beautiful architecture that still remains from the 19th and 20th centuries.

While exploring the “Square,” it is evident that Laurens is a town that has a passion for the small businesses that make it such an inviting community. The opportunity is endless for shopping, fun, art, and delicious food. The business owners are welcoming, helpful and full of local information.

Laurens is the epitome of southern hospitality. Stop in and meet the sweet ladies at Sister Chic Boutique, visit Southern Twist on the corner for all your must have shopping needs, and finish out the day enjoying a delicious meal at Roma Italian Restaurant.

Lauren’s is a place of deep roots, opportunity and community. They strive to instill pride in their residents by working with them to continue to uphold the “squares” charming and historic reputation. Downtown Laurens passion is one that declares downtown the heart of the community, bringing everyone together. This is evident already in collaborations such as the Artist Coop and The Coffee Roost as well as the creative renovation of Verdins who turned a building with no roof into a secret garden like oasis.

Take a day, or two, or maybe an entire weekend, and head on over to Laurens to sit a spell and take a look into the Laurens way of living! We can guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

Visit the Main Street Laurens website for more info and to plan your trip:


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